
Gtk.Adjustment — A representation of an adjustable bounded value

Object Hierarchy:

    ╰── GInitiallyUnowned
        ╰── Gtk.Adjustment



  • “changed” (adjustment, user_data)
  • “value-changed” (adjustment, user_data)


The Gtk.Adjustment object represents a value which has an associated lower and upper bound, together with step and page increments, and a page size.

It is used within several GTK+ widgets, including Gtk.SpinButton, Gtk.Viewport, and Gtk.Range (which is a base class for Gtk.Scrollbar and Gtk.Scale).

The Gtk.Adjustment object does not update the value itself. Instead it is left up to the owner of the Gtk.Adjustment to control the value.

    value = random.randint(0, 100)
    adjustment = Gtk.Adjustment(value, 0, 100, 1, 10, 0)
    self.scale = Gtk.Scale(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, adjustment=adjustment)
  • Example of Gtk.Scrollbar:

      vadjustment = layout.get_vadjustment()
      hadjustment = layout.get_hadjustment()
      vscrollbar = Gtk.Scrollbar(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL,
      grid.attach(vscrollbar, 1, 0, 1, 1)
      hscrollbar = Gtk.Scrollbar(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL,
      grid.attach(hscrollbar, 0, 1, 1, 1)

Function Details:


new (value:float, lower:float, upper:float, step_increment:float, page_increment:float, page_size:float) -> Gtk.Adjustment

Creates a new Gtk.Adjustment.

  • Returns: a new Gtk.Adjustment


get_value (self) -> float

Gets the current value of the adjustment.See Gtk.Adjustment:set_value().

  • Returns: The current value of the adjustment


set_value (self, value:float)

Sets the Gtk.Adjustment value. The value is clamped to lie between“lower” and “upper”. Note that for adjustments which are used in a Gtk.Scrollbar, theeffective range of allowed values goes from “lower” to“upper” - “page-size”.


clamp_page (self, lower:float, upper:float)

Updates the “value” property to ensure that the rangebetween lower and upper is in the current page (i.e. between“value” and “value” + “page-size”).If the range is larger than the page size, then only the start of it willbe in the current page. A “value-changed” signal will be emitted if the value is changed.


changed (self)

Gtk.Adjustment:changed has been deprecated since version 3.18 and should not be used in newly-written code. GTK+ emits “changed” itself whenever any of the properties (other than value) change Emits a “changed” signal from the Gtk.Adjustment.This is typically called by the owner of the Gtk.Adjustment after it haschanged any of the Gtk.Adjustment properties other than the value.


value_changed (self)

Gtk.Adjustment:value_changed has been deprecated since version 3.18 and should not be used in newly-written code. GTK+ emits “value-changed” itself whenever the value changes Emits a “value-changed” signal from the Gtk.Adjustment.This is typically called by the owner of the Gtk.Adjustment after it haschanged the “value” property.


configure (self, value:float, lower:float, upper:float, step_increment:float, page_increment:float, page_size:float)

Sets all properties of the adjustment at once. Use this function to avoid multiple emissions of the“changed” signal. See Gtk.Adjustment:set_lower()for an alternative way of compressing multiple emissions of“changed” into one.

  • Since: 2.14


get_lower (self) -> float

Retrieves the minimum value of the adjustment.

  • Returns: The current minimum value of the adjustment

  • Since: 2.14


get_page_increment (self) -> float

Retrieves the page increment of the adjustment.

  • Returns: The current page increment of the adjustment

  • Since: 2.14


get_page_size (self) -> float

Retrieves the page size of the adjustment.

  • Returns: The current page size of the adjustment

  • Since: 2.14


get_step_increment (self) -> float

Retrieves the step increment of the adjustment.

  • Returns: The current step increment of the adjustment.

  • Since: 2.14


get_minimum_increment (self) -> float

Gets the smaller of step increment and page increment.

  • Returns: the minimum increment of adjustment

  • Since: 3.2


get_upper (self) -> float

Retrieves the maximum value of the adjustment.

  • Returns: The current maximum value of the adjustment

  • Since: 2.14


set_lower (self, lower:float)

Sets the minimum value of the adjustment. When setting multiple adjustment properties via their individualsetters, multiple “changed” signals will be emitted.However, since the emission of the “changed” signalis tied to the emission of the “notify” signals of the changedproperties, it’s possible to compress the “changed”signals into one by calling g_object_freeze_notify() andg_object_thaw_notify() around the calls to the individual setters. Alternatively, using a single g_object_set() for all the propertiesto change, or using Gtk.Adjustment:configure() has the same effectof compressing “changed” emissions.

  • Since: 2.14


set_page_increment (self, page_increment:float)

Sets the page increment of the adjustment. See Gtk.Adjustment:set_lower() about how to compress multipleemissions of the “changed” signal when settingmultiple adjustment properties.

  • Since: 2.14


set_page_size (self, page_size:float)

Sets the page size of the adjustment. See Gtk.Adjustment:set_lower() about how to compress multipleemissions of the Gtk.Adjustment::changed signal when settingmultiple adjustment properties.

  • Since: 2.14


set_step_increment (self, step_increment:float)

Sets the step increment of the adjustment. See Gtk.Adjustment:set_lower() about how to compress multipleemissions of the “changed” signal when settingmultiple adjustment properties.

  • Since: 2.14


set_upper (self, upper:float)

Sets the maximum value of the adjustment. Note that values will be restricted by upper - page-sizeif the page-size property is nonzero. See Gtk.Adjustment:set_lower() about how to compress multipleemissions of the “changed” signal when settingmultiple adjustment properties.

  • Since: 2.14

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