
Gtk.Bin — A container with just one child

Object Hierarchy:

    ╰── GInitiallyUnowned
        ╰── Gtk.Widget
            ╰── Gtk.Container
                ╰── Gtk.Bin
                    ├── Gtk.Window
                    ├── Gtk.ActionBar
                    ├── Gtk.Alignment
                    ├── Gtk.ComboBox
                    ├── Gtk.Frame
                    ├── Gtk.Button
                    ├── Gtk.MenuItem
                    ├── Gtk.EventBox
                    ├── Gtk.Expander
                    ├── Gtk.FlowBoxChild
                    ├── Gtk.HandleBox
                    ├── Gtk.ListBoxRow
                    ├── Gtk.ToolItem
                    ├── Gtk.Overlay
                    ├── Gtk.ScrolledWindow
                    ├── Gtk.Popover
                    ├── Gtk.Revealer
                    ├── Gtk.SearchBar
                    ├── Gtk.StackSidebar
                    ╰── Gtk.Viewport



The Gtk.Bin widget is a container with just one child.

It is not very useful itself, but it is useful for deriving subclasses, since it provides common code needed for handling a single child widget.

Many GTK+ widgets are subclasses of Gtk.Bin, including Gtk.Window, Gtk.Button, Gtk.Frame, Gtk.HandleBox or Gtk.ScrolledWindow.

Function Details:


get_child (self) -> Gtk.Widget

Gets the child of the Gtk.Bin, or None if the bin containsno child widget. The returned widget does not have a referenceadded, so you do not need to unref it.

  • Returns: pointer to child of the Gtk.Bin.

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