Menus, Combo Box, Toolbar
Gtk.ComboBox— A widget used to choose from a list of items
Gtk.ComboBoxText— A simple, text-only combo box
Gtk.Menu— A menu widget
Gtk.MenuBar— A subclass of Gtk.MenuShell which holds Gtk.MenuItem widgets
Gtk.MenuItem— The widget used for item in menus
Gtk.RadioMenuItem— A choice from multiple check menu items
Gtk.CheckMenuItem— A menu item with a check box
Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem— A separator used in menus
Gtk.ToolShell— Interface for containers containing Gtk.ToolItem widgets
Gtk.Toolbar— Create bars of buttons and other widgets
Gtk.ToolItem— The base class of widgets that can be added to Gtk.ToolShell
Gtk.ToolPalette— A tool palette with categories
Gtk.ToolItemGroup— A sub container used in a tool palette
Gtk.SeparatorToolItem— A toolbar item that separates groups of other toolbar items
Gtk.ToolButton— A Gtk.ToolItem subclass that displays buttons
Gtk.MenuToolButton— A Gtk.ToolItem containing a button with an additional dropdown menu
Gtk.ToggleToolButton— A Gtk.ToolItem containing a toggle button
Gtk.RadioToolButton— A toolbar item that contains a radio button
Gtk.Popover— Context dependent bubbles
Gtk.PopoverMenu— Popovers to use as menus