
Gtk.SearchEntry — An entry which shows a search icon

Object Hierarchy:

    ╰── GInitiallyUnowned
        ╰── Gtk.Widget
            ╰── Gtk.Entry
                ╰── Gtk.SearchEntry



  • “next-match” (entry, user_data)
  • “previous-match” (entry, user_data)
  • “search-changed” (entry, user_data)
  • “stop-search” (entry, user_data)


Gtk.SearchEntry is a subclass of GtkEntry that has been tailored for use as a search entry.

It will show an inactive symbolic find icon when the search entry is empty, and a symbolic clear icon when there is text.

Clicking on the clear icon will empty the search entry.

Note that the search/clear icon is shown using a secondary icon, and thus does not work if you are using the secondary icon position for some other purpose.

To make filtering appear more reactive, it is a good idea to not react to every change in the entry text immediately, but only after a short delay. To support this, Gtk.SearchEntry emits the Gtk.SearchEntry::search-changed signal which can be used instead of the Gtk.Editable::changed signal.

moving between search results and ending the search.

Often, Gtk.SearchEntry will be fed events by means of being placed inside a Gtk.SearchBar. If that is not the case, you can use Gtk.SearchEntry::handle_event() to pass events.

Function Details:


new () -> Gtk.Widget

Creates a Gtk.SearchEntry, with a find icon when the search field isempty, and a clear icon when it isn't.

  • Returns: a new Gtk.SearchEntry

  • Since: 3.6


handle_event (self, event:Gdk.Event) -> bool

This function should be called when the top-level windowwhich contains the search entry received a key event. Ifthe entry is part of a Gtk.SearchBar, it is preferableto call `Gtk.SearchBar:handle_event()instead, which willreveal the entry in addition to passing the event to thisfunction. If the key event is handled by the search entry and startsor continues a search,GDK_EVENT_STOP` will be returned.The caller should ensure that the entry is shown in thiscase, and not propagate the event further.

  • Returns: GDK_EVENT_STOP if the key press event resultedin a search beginning or continuing, GDK_EVENT_PROPAGATEotherwise.

  • Since: 3.16


import gi
gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
from gi.repository import Gtk

class SearchEntry(Gtk.Window):
    def __init__(self):
        self.connect("destroy", Gtk.main_quit)

        searchentry = Gtk.SearchEntry()
        searchentry.connect("activate", self.on_search_activated)

    def on_search_activated(self, searchentry):
        print("SearchEntry text: %s" % (searchentry.get_text()))

window = SearchEntry()


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    No results matching ""