
Gtk.GesturePan — Pan gesture

Object Hierarchy:

    ╰── Gtk.EventController
        ╰── Gtk.Gesture
            ╰── Gtk.GestureSingle
                ╰── Gtk.GestureDrag
                    ╰── Gtk.GesturePan



  • “pan” (gesture, direction, offset, user_data)


Gtk.GesturePan is a GtkGesture implementation able to recognize pan gestures, those are drags that are locked to happen along one axis. The axis that a Gtk.GesturePan handles is defined at construct time, and can be changed through Gtk.GesturePan::set_orientation().

When the gesture starts to be recognized, Gtk.GesturePan will attempt to determine as early as possible whether the sequence is moving in the expected direction, and denying the sequence if this does not happen.

Once a panning gesture along the expected axis is recognized, are received, containing the offset in the given axis.

Function Details:


new (widget:Gtk.Widget, orientation:Gtk.Orientation) -> Gtk.Gesture

Returns a newly created Gtk.Gesture that recognizes pan gestures.

  • Returns: a newly created Gtk.GesturePan

  • Since: 3.14


get_orientation (self) -> Gtk.Orientation

Returns the orientation of the pan gestures that this gesture expects.

  • Returns: the expected orientation for pan gestures

  • Since: 3.14


set_orientation (self, orientation:Gtk.Orientation)

Sets the orientation to be expected on pan gestures.

  • Since: 3.14

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