
Gtk.TreeSelection — The selection object for Gtk.TreeView

Object Hierarchy:

    ╰── Gtk.TreeSelection

See also:

Gtk.TreeView, Gtk.TreeViewColumn, Gtk.TreeModel, Gtk.TreeSortable, Gtk.TreeModelSort, Gtk.ListStore, Gtk.TreeStore, Gtk.CellRenderer, Gtk.CellEditable, Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf, Gtk.CellRendererText, Gtk.CellRendererToggle, [Gtk.TreeView drag-and-drop][gtk3-Gtk.TreeView-drag-and-drop]



The Gtk.TreeSelection object is a helper object to manage the selection for a GtkTreeView widget. The Gtk.TreeSelection object is automatically created when a new Gtk.TreeView widget is created, and cannot exist independently of this widget. The primary reason the Gtk.TreeSelection objects exists is for cleanliness of code and API.

That is, there is no conceptual reason all these functions could not be methods on the Gtk.TreeView widget instead of a separate function.

The Gtk.TreeSelection object is gotten from a GtkTreeView by calling Gtk.TreeView::get_selection(). It can be manipulated to check the selection status of the tree, as well as select and deselect individual rows. Selection is done completely view side. As a result, multiple views of the same model can have completely different selections.

Additionally, you cannot change the selection of a row on the model that is not currently displayed by the view without expanding its parents first.

One of the important things to remember when monitoring the selection of a view is that the Gtk.TreeSelection::changed signal is mostly a hint.

That is, it may only emit one signal when a range of rows is selected.

Additionally, it may on occasion emit a Gtk.TreeSelection::changed signal when nothing has happened (mostly as a result of programmers calling select_row on an already selected row).

Code snap:

        treeview.connect('cursor-changed', self.on_select)

    def on_select(self, tree):
        # Get the current selected row and the model.
        model, iter = tree.get_selection().get_selected()        

        # Look up the current value on the selected row and get
        # a new value to change it to.
        data = model.get_value(iter, 0)

Function Details:


set_mode (self, type:Gtk.SelectionMode)

Sets the selection mode of the selection. If the previous type wasGTK_SELECTION_MULTIPLE, then the anchor is kept selected, if it waspreviously selected.


get_mode (self) -> Gtk.SelectionMode

Gets the selection mode for selection. SeeGtk.TreeSelection:set_mode().

  • Returns: the current selection mode


set_select_function (self, func:Gtk.TreeSelectionFunc, data=None)

Sets the selection function. If set, this function is called before any node is selected or unselected,giving some control over which nodes are selected. The select functionshould return True if the state of the node may be toggled, and FALSEif the state of the node should be left unchanged.


get_tree_view (self) -> Gtk.TreeView

Returns the tree view associated with selection.

  • Returns: A Gtk.TreeView.


get_selected (self) -> bool, model:Gtk.TreeModel, iter:Gtk.TreeIter

Sets iter to the currently selected node if selection is set toGTK_SELECTION_SINGLE or GTK_SELECTION_BROWSE. iter may be None if youjust want to test if selection has any selected nodes. model is filledwith the current model as a convenience. This function will not work if youuse selection is GTK_SELECTION_MULTIPLE.

  • Returns: True, if there is a selected node.


selected_foreach (self, func:Gtk.TreeSelectionForeachFunc, data=None)

Calls a function for each selected node. Note that you cannot modifythe tree or selection from within this function. As a result,Gtk.TreeSelection:get_selected_rows() might be more useful.


get_selected_rows (self) -> list, model:Gtk.TreeModel

Creates a list of path of all selected rows. Additionally, if you areplanning on modifying the model after calling this function, you maywant to convert the returned list into a list of Gtk.TreeRowReferences.To do this, you can use `Gtk.TreeRowReference:new(). To free the return value, use: g_list_free_full (list, (GDestroyNotify)Gtk.TreePath:free);`

  • Returns: A GList containing a Gtk.TreePath for each selected row.

  • Since: 2.2


count_selected_rows (self) -> int

Returns the number of rows that have been selected in tree.

  • Returns: The number of rows selected.

  • Since: 2.2


select_path (self, path:Gtk.TreePath)

Select the row at path.


unselect_path (self, path:Gtk.TreePath)

Unselects the row at path.


path_is_selected (self, path:Gtk.TreePath) -> bool

Returns True if the row pointed to by path is currently selected. If pathdoes not point to a valid location, FALSE is returned

  • Returns: True if pathis selected.


select_iter (self, iter:Gtk.TreeIter)

Selects the specified iterator.


unselect_iter (self, iter:Gtk.TreeIter)

Unselects the specified iterator.


iter_is_selected (self, iter:Gtk.TreeIter) -> bool

Returns True if the row at iter is currently selected.

  • Returns: True, if iteris selected


select_all (self)

Selects all the nodes. selection must be set to GTK_SELECTION_MULTIPLEmode.


unselect_all (self)

Unselects all the nodes.


select_range (self, start_path:Gtk.TreePath, end_path:Gtk.TreePath)

Selects a range of nodes, determined by start_path and end_path inclusive.selection must be set to GTK_SELECTION_MULTIPLE mode.


unselect_range (self, start_path:Gtk.TreePath, end_path:Gtk.TreePath)

Unselects a range of nodes, determined by start_path and end_pathinclusive.

  • Since: 2.2

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